
Taylor, July 2020

I have nothing but a positive response to my consultation. A much better experience than having to wait in the queue for 2 hours to only get a brief appointment with a Dr. The Dr was very informative, knowledgeable and caring. Thank you again.

Ace, July 2020

I just wanted to voice how wonderful the video consultation was, it was easy and very convenient especially with a young toddler. Also just wanted to emphasise that the video consultation service you provide is the best thing I have experienced in health care. Thank you
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Bettr's online doctor service is available nationwide to everyone. If you're in Auckland you can register and see a doctor online or in-person at any of our 40+ GP clinics.

Plus more great benefits:

The price of Bettr consulations drops to $45, and under 14s are free!

Get access to all 40+ Local Doctors GP Clinics and White Cross Urgent Care clinics

Most in-person GP consults are $20 or under when you register

*If you require face to face to treatment following your online consult, you can be referred to one of our nearly 50 GP clinics from Whangarei to Christchurch.
*Most in-person GP consults are $20 dependent upon the clinic

Register for $45 consults and it's FREE for under 14's
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If you're in Auckland you can register today and see a doctor for $45 and it's free for children under 14. You can also see a doctor in-person at any of our 40+ GP clinics for under $20*. Learn More