0 days 3 hours 46 minutes
Tamaki Health Group believes that it is your right to make a complaint or offer a suggestion for improved services in any form that is appropriate to you. It helps us to improve delivery of our services to you and prevent isolated problems becoming widespread.
We acknowledge that making a complaint is not always easy and sometimes requires considerable effort on your part. In order to assist you with this process, please follow the guide below:
Please fill out this online form to give us enough details about your concern or feedback including when this occurred:
We would also like to advise you regarding the process that occurs once we have received your feedback.
Within five working days of your feedback/complaint a senior person will contact you to acknowledge we have received it. At this time s/he might also comment on the investigation.
Within ten working days of the written acknowledgement the senior person will make decisions around the feedback/complaint including whether further time is required to investigate it. If this time is likely to be greater than twenty working days you will be notified of this.
After this time you will be advised as to the outcome of your feedback/complaint.
It is your right to be informed that at any time you may make a complaint to the Office of the Health & Disability Commissioner (HDC) by visiting https://www.hdc.org.nz
If you are not satisfied with our actions, you can contact the Advocacy Service of the HDC for guidance, or complain to HDC.
If you need some help you can call a health and disability advocate to assist you: Free-phone 0800 555 050.
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